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Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was once again released from prison on a 21-day furlough.


  • Furlough means granting leave of absence for a specified period of time to a convict from prison.

  • It is a conditional release  which tries to strike a balance between the rights of the criminal and society and is granted as good conduct remission.

  • Offenders are required to abide by the conditions of the order granting parole or furlough, which may include going to the local police station on a regular basis.Period of furlough granted to a prisoner is treated as remission of his sentence.

  • Granted by the Deputy Inspector General of Prisons.

  • It is seen as a matter of right for prisoners.

  • A type of leave from prison granted 14 days a year but may be extended for specific reasons.

  • It is a reward and remission of the sentence but disallowed for specific categories of prisoners, such as rape convicts, dacoity, or NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances).


  • Every State has formulated its own set of rules/guidelines for getting furlough. While rules/guidelines of various States remain more or less the same in spirit, it is only the procedure for obtaining furlough which varies from State to State.

  • The right to furlough cannot be denied if permissible under law.

Eligibility: It is generally less about rehabilitation and more about addressing immediate personal needs.


  • Furloughs are typically granted for a short duration and under strict conditions and is allowed usually in the case of long-term detention.

  • The prisoner must return to the prison after the furlough period ends.

  • Can also be denied in the interest of society.

Judicial Pronouncements:

  • Gujarat High Court: Furlough may be denied if it hampers the convict's reform or poses a societal danger.

  • Delhi High Court: Seriousness of the offense cannot solely determine denial; extra caution and reasons for granting furlough must be documented.


  • Parole is the conditional release of a prisoner before the end of their sentence. The prisoner, who has been deemed to have rehabilitated or shown good behavior, is released under specific conditions and supervision.

  • It is not a right.

  • Granted at the request of the prisoner and can be denied.

  • Granted by the Divisional Commissioner.

Purpose: Provides relief to prisoners in certain exigencies:

  • Death or serious illness of a family member.

  • Marriage of the prisoner or close relatives (son, daughter, etc.).

  • Agricultural needs (ploughing, sowing, harvesting) related to land possession.

  • Any other sufficient cause.

Supervision: Parolees are supervised by parole officers, who ensure compliance with the conditions of release.

Eligibility: Granted after a portion of the sentence is served.


  • Must comply with parole conditions; failure to do so can lead to re-imprisonment.

  • Various State Governments have formulated guidelines for granting parole, aiming for objective decision-making.

Types of Parole:

  • Custody Parole: For emergent circumstances (e.g., death or serious illness in the family, Marriage of a family member etc.).

  • Regular Parole: For ongoing issues or significant events (e.g., Delivery of a child by the wife of the convict if there is no other family member; to take care of the spouse at the time, Serious damage to life or property of the family, To pursue the filing a of special leave petition etc.).

Parole is a conditional release from prison before the end of a sentence, focused on reintegration and rehabilitation, with ongoing supervision. Furlough is a temporary leave from prison for specific reasons, usually with a defined return date and less emphasis on rehabilitation.

Advait IAS